Grand noir du Berry

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Country France, F
Synonyms Grand noir, Ane du Berry, Berry Black
Use (country) Attraction, Pack, Stable Companion, Breeding, Mule Production, Milk, Cosmetics, Therapy, Pet, Trekking, Riding (only for small children), Driving
Description Working donkey for small everyday tasks on the farm, packsaddle donkey for hikers. Varying size: 1.35-1.45m for sires, minimum 1.30m for mares, plain coat: brown-bay to dark brown-bay and even black, no dorsal stripe, no stripes on the limbs. Belly light grey, including the sides of the breast, groin and the inside of the thighs Head = rectilineal, long open ears, muzzle whitish-grey, whitish-grey around the eyes, sometimes outlined by a reddish ring. The donkey is hardy, with a strong neck, open chest, straight back, rounded inclined hind quarters and strong limbs adapted to a rough terrain
Stock Numbers (2014): 182, sires: 12, mares: 160, (FAO)
(2020) Total: 1181, sires: 558, mares: 637
Risk Status endangered
Conservation Programme Yes
Contact AFAGNB, B.P. 10, F-18160 Lignères en Berry, Tel: 0033-(0)2 48 60 09 11, Fax: 0033-(0)2 48 60 09 11, E-mail:, Haras national de Blois, 62 Avenue Maréchal Maunoury, BP 909, F-41009 Blois Cedex, Tel: 0033-(0)2 54 55 22 80, Fax: 0033-(0)2 54 74 86 93,


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