Burro Majorero

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Population decreasing as donkeys are no longer needed for work. Reduction to pet/zoo animal.
Country Spain, E
Location Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, some on other Canary Islands
Species Ass
Synonyms Majorera, Canary Island, Common Spanish
Management semi-feral
Population size decreasing
Morphology 100-120 cm, 125-175 kg, grey with gradation of colour to belly, inside of legs and around muzzle and eyes (lighter colour). Dark stripe in cross shape on back and shoulders.
History The only equine on the Canary Islands, it was probably introduced from Africa by the first conquerors of the islands. Well adapted to conditions. The donkey has been traditionally used for work.
Source of information http://www.feagas.com/index.php/es/razas/especie-equina-asnal/majorera
Hyperlink http://www.feagas.com/index.php/es/razas/especie-equina-asnal/majorera



